This launches you into the world of Gap Cover, offering essential benefits and covering medical expense shortfalls for Specialists up to 350% of medical aid rate. Launch is one of the most price-effective Gap Cover solutions on the market.

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Medical Expense Shortfall Cover

Increases the Medical Aid rate up to 350%. Subject to the OAL

Casualty Benefit for Accidents

R6 000 per event per insured. Subject to OAL

Medical Scheme Contribution Waiver

Up to R6 000 per month for 6 months; in the event of death or permanent and total disability as a result of an accident, of the Medical Scheme Contribution Payer

Gap Premium Waiver

Pays the premium of your Policy for 12 months in the event of death or permanent and total disability as a result of an accident, of the  contribution payer

International Travel Cover

R5 million per insured (notification of travel required 48 hrs prior to departure)

Medical Expense Shortfall Cover

Increases the medical aid rate up to 350% for impacted wisdom teeth, reconstructive maxillofacial surgery due to an accident (which occurred while on the Policy) and oral cancer (which was diagnosed while on the Policy). Subject to the OAL

Additional Information

Waiting Periods

Click the button to review the Waiting Periods and Exceptions.

Turnberry Launch Cover