Please complete the claim form in full, either online or the manual claim form and submit to Turnberry, along with all the supporting documentation, i.e.:
- All doctors invoices and/or statements.
- The detailed Hospital Invoice and not a patient statement.
- Medical Aid Remittance/Claim Statement/Claims transaction history. This statement from the Medical Aid will reflect the invoiced amount(s) for the service providers, the amounts paid and/or rejected by the Medical Aid.
- You do not have to submit a hospital account if you are only claiming for the doctors in hospital.
- The only time we will require the hospital account is when a hospital co-payment, blood tests or x-Rays are being claimed for. The reason for this is to prove that the blood tests and x-rays were done in hospital as out of hospital tests of this nature is not covered by the policy benefits.
A list of the requirements appears on the Claim form as well.
Please note:
All claims are assessed in terms of the Benefits provided by the Policy and the Policy Terms and Conditions. Once a claim is admitted, the claimed amount is paid directly to the Policyholder who must settle outstanding amounts with the service providers.
Provided that all requirements are received valid claims are settled within 10 working days.
Please take note:
The allowed time period within which a claim must be submitted has been shortened as stated in section A of the claim form.