This launches you into the world of Gap Cover, offering essential benefits and covering medical expense shortfalls for Specialists up to 350% of medical aid rate. Launch is one of the most price-effective Gap Cover solutions on the market.
Increase in the OAL (Overall Annual Limit) – effective 1st April 2024
National Treasury annually publishes new limits under the Demarcation Regulations. As of 1 April 2024, the limit for medical expense shortfall (Gap) policies has been increased from R198,660.43 to R210,580.06. Turnberry has increased the overall annual limit on all policies we administer with these benefits, with effect from 1 April 2024. Our clients automatically qualify for the adjusted overall annual limit.
Medical Expense Shortfall Cover
Increases the Medical Aid rate up to 350%. Subject to the OAL
Co-payment Cover
R3 500 per admission. Limited to 1 claim per family per annum. Subject to the Overall Annual Limit
Casualty Benefit for Accidents
R6 500 per event per insured. Subject to OAL
Medical Scheme Contribution Waiver
Up to R6 600 per month for 6 months; in the event of death or permanent and total disability as a result of an accident, of the Medical Scheme Contribution Payer
Gap Premium Waiver
Pays the premium of your Policy for 12 months in the event of death or permanent and total disability as a result of an accident, of the contribution payer
International Travel Cover
R5 million per insured (notification of travel required 48 hrs prior to departure)
Medical Expense Shortfall Cover
Increases the medical aid rate up to 350% for impacted wisdom teeth, reconstructive maxillofacial surgery due to an accident (which occurred while on the Policy) and oral cancer (which was diagnosed while on the Policy). Subject to the OAL

Additional Information
Waiting Periods
Click the button to review the Waiting Periods and Exceptions.
Waiting Periods
A 3-month general waiting period applies to all benefits (except in the event of an accident, which occurred while on the Policy). In the event the commencement date of the Policy is the same as the commencement date of the Medical Scheme, no 3-month general waiting period will apply to Medical Expense Shortfall Cover (increasing the medical aid rate up to 350%)
A 10-month waiting period on pregnancy/childbirth
A 12-month waiting period on / investigations, treatment or surgery for:
hysterectomy, hysteroscopies, endometriosis, ovarian cysts and fibroids (myomectomy), muscular-skeletal (except in the event of an accident, which occurred while on the Policy), tonsillectomy, myringotomy, grommets, adenoids, wisdom teeth, hernia, cataracts, gastroscopies, colonoscopies, cancer, nasal and sinus
Turnberry shall not be liable for hospitalisation, bodily injury, sickness or disease directly or indirectly caused by, related to or in consequence of:
- Nuclear weapons or nuclear material or by ionising radiation or contamination by radioactivity from any nuclear fuel or from any nuclear waste from the combustion of nuclear fuel. For the purpose of this exception combustion shall include any self-sustaining process of nuclear fission;
- LASIK or Lasik (laser-assisted in situkeratomileusis) surgery or any type of refractive surgery for correcting myopia, hyperopia, and astigmatism;
- Investigations, treatment or surgery for obesity its sequela or cosmetic surgery or surgery directly or indirectly caused by or related to or in consequence of cosmetic surgery other than as a result of an insured event otherwise insured. For the purpose of this exception cosmetic surgery shall include surgery for breast reduction or reconstruction unless necessitated as a result of treatment for cancer;
- Routine physical or any procedure of a purely diagnostic nature or any other examination where there are no objective indications of impairment in normal healthand laboratory diagnostic or X-ray examinations except in the course of a disability established by prior call or attendance of a Medical practitioner;
- Suicide, attempted suicide or intentional self-injury;
- The taking of any drug or narcotic unless prescribed by and taken in accordance with the instructions of a Medical Practitioner (other than the Insured person) or drug addiction;
- An event directly attributable to the Insured person having an alcohol content exceeding the legal limit or the Insured person suffering from alcoholism or any illness caused by the use of alcohol;
- Participation in:
a. Active military duty, police duty, police reservist duty, civil commotion, labour disturbances, riot, strike, or the activities of locked-out workers
b. Aviation other than as a passenger
c. Any form of race or speed test (other than on foot or involving any non-mechanically propelled vehicle, vessel, craft or aircraft); - Investigations, treatment or surgery for artificial insemination or hormone treatment for infertility;
- No benefits are payable which should be provided by the Medical Scheme, this exception includes ward fees, theatre fees, medicines, appliances and other hospital expenses;
- No benefits shall be payable in the event of fraudulent submission by the claimant;
- No benefits shall be payable in the event the insured did not pre-authorise, make use of a Designated Service Provider (this is not applicable to the Non-DSP Hospital Penalty Cover on Premier, Optimal and Synergy) or any condition set by the Insured’s Medical Scheme;
- No benefits shall be payable in the event there is no benefit for the treatment and/or the condition or if it is excluded and/or declined by the Insured’s Medical Scheme (including split billing) or if the Medical Scheme pays less than tariff for benefits associated with costs incurred above Medical Aid rate;
- No benefit shall be payable in respect of any medical or surgical treatment unless such treatment occurred during the period of hospital confinement as an in-patient or as an out-patient (as defined);
- The table of benefits applies in the territory of the RSA and no benefits are payable for expenses incurred for transport charges or for services rendered whilst being transported in any emergency vehicle, vessel or aircraft;
- No ward fee benefits shall be payable in respect of any additional costs incurred as a result of confinement to a private ward if such confinement to a private ward was requested by the Insured person;
- Treatment resulting from failure to carry out the instructions of a Medical Practitioner;
- Treatment for the Casualty Illness Benefit when treatment was not received between the hours of 18:00-06:00 Mondays-Fridays, Saturdays, Sundays and Public Holidays;
- Injuries arising from professional sport or any other recreational activity which is not commonly recognised as a sport and/or involves uncontrolled competition, unusual skill or violent activity and is generally considered to be inherently dangerous for the emergency casualty benefit (as defined in the Policy document) provided in a hospital out-patient emergency facility;
ADDITIONAL EXCEPTIONS APPLICABLE ONLY TO PREMIER, OPTIMAL AND SYNERGY OPTIONS - Psychiatric conditions including but not limited to depression, insanity, mental and or stress related conditions for co-payments and sub-limits;
- Co-payments and Sub-limits are covered for dentistry except for investigations, treatment or surgery related to dental implants, except in the event for reconstructive maxillofacial surgery as a result of oral cancer or an accident (which occurred/ was diagnosed while on the Policy) and will be limited to R50 000 per policy per annum. No benefit is payable while an Insured person is within a waiting period;
- Benefit 1 (Private Rate Cover) for dentistry is limited to impacted wisdom teeth and/or reconstructive maxillofacial surgery as a result of an accident while on the Policy. No benefit is payable while an Insured person is within a waiting period;
- Basic Dental Medical Expense Shortfall Cover for children will only be covered for children up to (and including) 12 years of age;
- No benefits shall be payable for gender reassignment treatment and/or surgery or the reversal thereof.
ADDITIONAL EXCEPTION APPLICABLE TO TRAUMA RECOVERY COVER - The step down facility must be authorised and paid from the Medical Scheme’s Risk Benefit (i.e. not from day to day benefits);
ADDITIONAL EXCEPTION APPLICABLE TO MED-EXTEND OPTION - For the Defined Procedures listed on the Policy no benefit shall be payable unless the Defined Procedure has been fully declined by the Insured person’s Medical Scheme.