Increase in the OAL (Overall Annual Limit) – effective 1st April 2024
National Treasury annually publishes new limits under the Demarcation Regulations. As of 1 April 2024, the limit for medical expense shortfall (Gap) policies has been increased from R198,660.43 to R210,580.06. Turnberry has increased the overall annual limit on all policies we administer with these benefits, with effect from 1 April 2024. Our clients automatically qualify for the adjusted overall annual limit.

Gap cover is a short-term insurance product that helps protect you from medical expense shortfalls, which happen when your doctor charges more than the medical aid rate for in-hospital treatment, or the hospital charges co-payments for operations. These unanticipated expenses can leave you with an unexpected financial burden that you will have to pay for out of pocket. With rampant medical inflation and the cost of medical procedures constantly increasing, this could easily run into hundreds of thousands of Rands.

As medical aids are under constant pressure to balance benefits with affordable contributions, they have had to resort to creative strategies to attempt to maximise coverage. This means that co-payments now exist where previously there were none, and members are now being restricted to using certain providers at certain networks, with penalties applied if patients go outside of these networks.

Gap cover has become an essential component of any financial portfolio to protect you against potentially crippling medical expense shortfalls, no matter how young and healthy you are. Often, it is the unforeseen that can result in the most significant medical expense shortfalls, but with gap cover in place you can protect your financial wellbeing alongside your physical health.

Turnberry’s Mission is to offer our Clients security and assurance, especially during those times when they need us most.

Click here to Apply and Get Cover, or if you need a Turnberry representative to contact you to assist with the solution to suit your needs, please click here.



Premier is the umbrella sheltering your entire family. It offers a vast range of benefits to cater for unforeseen medical expense shortfalls and provides comprehensive cancer benefits.


Optimal provides a broad array of benefits – enhancing your medical aid by up to 500% of medical aid rates – all at a family-friendly price.


Synergy offers a healthy spectrum of benefits at a very attractive price. It ensures you and your family are covered for the most common types of claims, covers medical expense shortfalls of up to 500%.


This launches you into the world of Gap Cover, offering essential benefits and covering medical expense shortfalls for Specialists up to 350% of medical aid rate. Launch is one of the most price-effective Gap Cover solutions on the market.


Med-Extend has been designed to assist clients with medical expense shortfalls for Specialists and with covering Defined Procedures that have been excluded on their specific Medical Scheme option.


If you have extended family or an additional dependant registered on your Medical Scheme, you may add them onto your Policy for an additional premium per month.


International travel cover through TIC is offered as an added-value to all Turnberry Policyholders upon request. The cover ensures end-to-end emergency assistance by air, land or sea.

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During the tough times, you need a partner that will be by your side navigating you to safety.
You have a partner. Turnberry. Navigating the way

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Client Testimonials

Turnberry is my best Company!!  We’ve been with Turnberry Gap Cover for quite a few years now. They’ve always been amazing, paying very promptly! They obviously only pay what your medical aid doesn’t cover for in-hospital only. The last few years my Wife and I have been hospitalised often, and they’ve never rejected a claim. They’ve paid more than my medical aid has paid, at a fraction of the cost!

Norman – February 2025

I was very impressed. I did not think it would be as easy as it was.   I submitted online – it was quick and easy – even allowance made for passwords on documents.  I would say that this is the first time I did claim and I was waiting for exceptions and excuses but the whole experience was very surprising and pleasant.

Linda – February 2025

I’ve had 5 different surgeries in the last 3 years and Turnberry have paid every cent of the amount that my medical aid never paid. No arguments! Well worth the money.  

Gordon – November 2024