Baby’s and Beyond – 27th September 2024

Brian Harris, General Manager of Operations at Turnberry Management Risk Solutions

Eye Care Awareness Month in South Africa, commemorated from 21 September to 18 October, serves as a vital reminder of the need for regular eye exams and proper eye health management. Serious health conditions can affect the eyes, including cataracts, glaucoma, age-related macular degeneration, diabetic retinopathy, retinal detachment corneal diseases, and more, leading to vision problems or even blindness if not properly treated and managed.

Maintaining eye health is critical in protecting your vision, but when these problems occur, it can be a costly exercise, even if you have comprehensive medical aid, because shortfalls resulting from surgery and specialists are increasingly common. Gap cover has become vital in providing protection from medical expense shortfalls such as those often seen with treatment related to these conditions, allowing you peace of mind to seek the care you need without concern that the resulting expenses will cripple your finances.

Cataracts – a leading cause of blindness

Cataracts are the single leading cause of blindness and visual impairment in South Africa, affecting around a quarter of a million people, according to the International Agency for the Prevention of Blindness. This common eye disorder affects people increasingly as they age, and factors such as high levels of sunlight exposure make it even more prevalent. While it is highly treatable and is covered as a Prescribed Minimum Benefit (PMB) condition by medical aids, this does not mean that patients will not experience medical expense shortfalls related to treatment.

The ophthalmologist, anaesthetist, and the hospital may not charge medical aid rates or be contracted into your medical aid, which means there may be shortfalls. In addition, some medical aid options have Designated Service Providers (DSPs), and choosing a different provider can result in a co-payment. Medical expense shortfalls can range from R20,000 to R40,000 for cataract surgery, which can in turn cause financial hardships, especially for people who are retired and living off pensions and savings. It’s important to note that these shortfalls apply to each event, so if you require surgery on one eye and then the other at a later date, you may face a repeat of these costs.

Retinal detachment can have serious consequences

Retinal detachment is a serious eye condition that occurs when the retina, the light-sensitive layer of tissue at the back of the eye, separates from the underlying supportive tissue. This separation disrupts the retina’s normal function. It is often the result of ageing or an accident and needs to be treated promptly as it can lead to significant visual impairment or even permanent blindness.

Retinal detachment is also a PMB but carries with it the same conditions as cataract surgery. If the ophthalmologist, anaesthetist, or hospital charges more than the scheme rate, or if they are a non-DSP, there may be significant shortfalls attached to treatment, which may exceed R30,000.

Safeguard your sight

Many other eye diseases and disorders, such as corneal ulcers, macular degeneration, glaucoma, and cancer, are covered as PMB conditions due to the importance of vision; however, as with cataracts and retinal detachment, medical expense shortfalls are often an unfortunate reality. When it comes to seeking medical treatment for serious eye conditions, gap cover can provide much-needed relief.

By providing additional cover for these medical expense shortfalls, gap cover offers significant peace of mind that you can get the treatment you need without the added burden of additional out-of-pocket expenses. Speak to your broker to help you find the right gap cover to complement your medical aid cover and protect both your sight and your finances.


Don’t let costs blind you – safeguard your sight and your finances with gap cover – Baby’s and Beyond (

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Client Testimonials

Excellent. So speedy it gave me a shock.  All done through S A Financial Planners online.  What would you say to anyone considering taking our Gap Cover? You are the only company to deal with. Would you recommend Turnberry Gap Cover to your family / friends / colleagues?  Absolutely.  Wish you were a medical aid as well.  Thank you for your wonderful service. I really appreciate all you did for me.  BEV KLEIN

I was “WOWED” with the outstanding Customer Services from Turnberry from step 1 Pre-Op claims discussions to the final post-op payments.   Your staff has an extended knowledge and educate one as we go – very informative and long-lasting memory of the way forward.  I am very pleased with the overall core value of Turnberry.  YOU are there when mostly needed in difficult and chaotic times.  Awesome Quality experience.  Take it especially in our high cost of living where you as a patient does not know what will be charged additionally and 500% of cost then Turnberry steps in. 100% of all claims paid successfully by MediHelp and then the gap cover by Turnberry.   Also for that amount that was paid out to me for less than R400 a month is the BEST special ever!!  Martin